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Get in Touch with BirdDog Security!

At BirdDog Security, we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service and expertise. Whether you have questions about our solutions, need technical support, or want to explore how we can help you protect your organization, we’re here to help.

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Mid-Market Cybersecurity - Affordable,effective, essential

Contact Us

Please send us a message, email us, or if you prefer, schedule a Zoom appointment.
We look forward to the conversation.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any other questions, please let us know with the Contact Us Button below. Thanks!

Contact Us

Is there a limit to the number of assets scanned?

Yes, but with an asterisk. We know that every business is a little different. If a customer has fewer or more assets than typical, we are happy to work on a custom quote with them.

Do you have plans for non-profits?

All businesses need to be safer over time in regards to cybersecurity. We are happy to work with non-profits. Please contact us to discuss.

What is the app encryption standard?

We take our own security as seriously as our customers and baked in security and encryption from the very beginning of the development process.